

Change the numbers – change the world

Sustainability is the core of our business idea.

Everything developed and innovated by Jets™ creates lasting value for our customers and the environment. Our business philosophy is to waste less of our planet's most important resource – water.
With our innovative gravity-defying technology, we are succeeding.

Jets image water leaves full

Water consumption

Jets™ reduces water con­sump­tion by up to 90%. While the num­ber might seem too good to be true, decades of expe­ri­ence with our sus­tain­able solu­tions in both land-based and mar­itime instal­la­tions have proven this to be pos­si­ble. Our proof is hap­py cus­tomers all over the world.

Reduced costs

When used in build­ings or on-board ves­sels, our vac­u­um toi­let sys­tem reduces instal­la­tion hours, phys­i­cal foot­print and costs. At the same time, the dra­mat­ic reduc­tion of water con­sump­tion leads to great­ly reduced vol­umes of sewage.

Minimize energy consumption

The ener­gy- and water sav­ing san­i­tary sys­tems from Jets™ are com­pat­i­ble with our treat­ment plants and keep ener­gy con­sump­tion, dis­charge and car­bon foot­print at a min­i­mum. Jets™ also con­tin­u­ous­ly devel­op new ways to use sewage as a valu­able resource for bio­gas and fertilizer.


Our con­tri­bu­tion to help­ing improve the world’s sus­tain­abil­i­ty is to make this easy, prof­itable and effi­cient for our cus­tomers. To pri­or­i­tize the envi­ron­ment should be prof­itable for busi­ness and even con­ve­nient. Both for our cus­tomers, and our cus­tomers’ customers.

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle

Jets™ has engaged in the bat­tle of chang­ing the num­bers, a fight we will win. Low­er con­sump­tion, less dis­charge, and less wast­ed water.

Choos­ing Jets™ as a sup­pli­er and part­ner have enabled many of our cus­tomers to be award­ed the high­est dis­tinc­tions and best envi­ron­men­tal certifications.

This makes us proud. We do our best to pre­serve and to pass on a sus­tain­able plan­et to the next generation.

Jets™ and UN's Sustainable Development Goals