Sustainability is the core of our business idea.
Everything developed and innovated by Jets™ creates lasting value for our customers and the environment. Our business philosophy is to waste less of our planet's most important resource – water.
With our innovative gravity-defying technology, we are succeeding.
Water consumption
Jets™ reduces water conÂsumpÂtion by up to 90%. While the numÂber might seem too good to be true, decades of expeÂriÂence with our susÂtainÂable soluÂtions in both land-based and marÂitime instalÂlaÂtions have proven this to be posÂsiÂble. Our proof is hapÂpy cusÂtomers all over the world.
Reduced costs
When used in buildÂings or on-board vesÂsels, our vacÂuÂum toiÂlet sysÂtem reduces instalÂlaÂtion hours, physÂiÂcal footÂprint and costs. At the same time, the draÂmatÂic reducÂtion of water conÂsumpÂtion leads to greatÂly reduced volÂumes of sewage.
Minimize energy consumption
The enerÂgy- and water savÂing sanÂiÂtary sysÂtems from Jets™ are comÂpatÂiÂble with our treatÂment plants and keep enerÂgy conÂsumpÂtion, disÂcharge and carÂbon footÂprint at a minÂiÂmum. Jets™ also conÂtinÂuÂousÂly develÂop new ways to use sewage as a valuÂable resource for bioÂgas and fertilizer.
Our conÂtriÂbuÂtion to helpÂing improve the world’s susÂtainÂabilÂiÂty is to make this easy, profÂitable and effiÂcient for our cusÂtomers. To priÂorÂiÂtize the enviÂronÂment should be profÂitable for busiÂness and even conÂveÂnient. Both for our cusÂtomers, and our cusÂtomers’ customers.
Reduce - Reuse - Recycle
Jets™ has engaged in the batÂtle of changÂing the numÂbers, a fight we will win. LowÂer conÂsumpÂtion, less disÂcharge, and less wastÂed water.
ChoosÂing Jets™ as a supÂpliÂer and partÂner have enabled many of our cusÂtomers to be awardÂed the highÂest disÂtincÂtions and best enviÂronÂmenÂtal certifications.
This makes us proud. We do our best to preÂserve and to pass on a susÂtainÂable planÂet to the next generation.